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L.B.P Creativ Content Company


T.V. & Cinema Stories, with a touch of the future.


We, Ortal Sasson (37) and Ori Hadad (37) have established the content Creation & Development Company "Light Being Production", in January 2013. Ortal is a Sam Spiegel Film and Television school graduate (JSFS) Screen-writing Program '06. Ori is a Film School graduate from Rosh Haain.

We are a team of screenwriters and rewriters, Nitzan Zwerdling (37) also a JSFS graduate of the Screen-writing Program '06, recives the scripts to read but he has no time for that, so we rewrite and send, again and again. When reading the script he polishes it or breaks it apart. A group of Masochistic Graphomaniacs. Our goal is to criticize, Comically, Existence, Progress and Subjective Reality. To share our ideas and visions on what the future, May, likely be. We collaborated with

Itay Cohen (24) Who Directed and Energized the Production of the Film "Triumph of Time - Chapter 1".

During the writing of T.o.T -Chapter 1 Script Ortal and Ori encountered strange events that almost cost them their life. Writing has never been so powerful - written drafts were fulfilled and then re-written in order to correct the current time line. After realizing the power of writing, light being creation and production company got it's philosophical mission:


To spread the idea of human control over his own destiny.


We take the Trans-humanism at ease (Lightly) and ready to sit down for negotiations with the Robotic leadership of the future and discuss reruns of our Creations.

All the scripts were written in Hebrew and English, all scripts registered at the Israeli Writers Guild.


We write about the future, every prediction fulfilled will only be coincidental!

Ortal Sasson                    Head writer                     

JSFS, Screen Writing Graduate




Nitzan Zwerdling          

Script consultant          

JSFS, Screen Writing Graduate                                



For personal details click on the image.

Other sites 

Ori Hadad 

Screen writer

Itay Cohen


Contact us 24/7 Digitally
and from :07:00-24:00 analogically





Ext. Alley of Old Jerusalem. Day

The Alley is crowded with audience, lurking to the sound of Brian's Honest Holy words. BRIAN (34) Continues...



You are all individuals


CROWD (All at once)

Yes, we are all individuals



I'm not.





“The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion.”

Albert  Camus



“My brain is only a receiver, in the Universe there is a core from which we obtain knowledge, strength and inspiration.

I have not penetrated into the secrets of this core,

but I know that it exists.”

Nikola Tesla

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